Thursday, April 22, 2010

Falling Out

Yesterday, Kyle heard an airplane outside. We were talking about it, and he said, "Julie. Airplane. Poland." I said, "Yes, I went to Poland in an airplane and then I came home." He gave me his usual quizzical look (twisted mouth, one eyebrow about a foot above the other), meaning he was thinking hard about this, and said, "Come home. Fall out!" I tried to explain to him that the plane landed and I walked out on the ground. His response to that was, "Fall out. Ground." Apparently in his mind, when it's your turn to get out, they just open the hatch and let you go!


The Sisters said...

So cute! You always have such good stories from those two!

The Sisters said...

How funny!!!
Gotta love what goes on in those little minds sometimes!:)

Anonymous said...

