One day we had guitar worship in the courtyard. The six guitar players were from four different countries, including the United States, Mexico, France, and Great Britain. It was so neat to watch them work together to praise the Lord with all of us.

On Saturday, the day after we went to the soup kitchen, we were sent to an orphanage for the morning. The guys played baseball and soccer with several of the boys, while we played with the girls on the playground.

In the background of the above picture, you can see two big water tanks. Because the local water is undrinkable, water is carried by truck up the hills to the orphanage, where it is used for drinking and cooking.

Here is the front entrance to the orphanage, which was built seven years ago. It is completely financially supported by a church in Michigan. It is a very well-made facility, and has been ranked the number one orphanage in the Baja. Approximately 40 children, ages 2-12, reside here.

Above is the playground in the orphanage yard. I had a lot of fun pushing the little girls on the swings and playing "Monkey in the Middle" with them. Because of the horrific pasts some of these children have had, we were not allowed to hold them or go anywhere alone with them. However, they gave us lots of hugs and kisses on our cheeks!

More jump rope contests!

Our gahrgeous translator, Felipe (He couldn't say gorgeous, no matter how long he worked on it!)

This little one kept trying to sit on Katelyn's lap. We snapped a quick picture before Katelyn had to lift her off. The girls had fun making foam bracelets and coloring pictures.

From left, Abi, Jessie, Gracia, and Mikey brush up on some Spanish.

After crafts and outdoor games, we all headed over to the picnic shelter for songs and dramas. While the actors got ready, this young man sang some Spanish Christian rap karaoke-style from Felipe's iPod.

This beautiful darling sang the song "Yes, Yes Lord" (of course, for her it was "Si, Si Senor") a capella. She was a real spunky one, and I had so much fun getting to know her, if only for a few hours.

Felipe and Mikey entertain the kids with some Christian music. You guys rocked (literally)!
More clowning around!

All the children just loved the dramas! It was such a joy to know that they are being loved and cared for in a Christian environment, especially after hearing about the reputations of some of the other orphanages in the Baja. We learned that some of those orphanages are running child pornography and prostitution rings, and that in other orphanages, children have been beaten and even hung. Many of the children in the orphanage we visited were removed from abusive homes by law enforcement and will spend at least a year there. Others are truly orphaned and will live there until they are twelve. We pray that the Lord will send loving Christians to protect these children and give them the Word of God.
Wow. Again. May God continue to raise up people and resources to protect these kiddos under His wing.
The little girl who sang "Yes, yes Lord" is so cute!
Hi Guntzel Girls! Stop by our new blog tims2girls.blogspot.com
Love ya!
~Katelyn and Eliza
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