Sunday, March 28, 2010

My New Room

A few weeks ago, I decided to redecorate my room, so the next day, I went to Ace and got the paint. That has been my project for the past month or so. I had to do it all in steps because I have too much stuff to do it all at once. I didn't really know what to expect it to turn out like, but I do like the results. It is very happy-looking now. Before I show you the "after" pictures, here are the "befores." My room has been "patriotic" for about 7 years now. It was time for a change.
And the work begins.
Of course I had to move most of my stuff at least once, and I think it invaded just about every other room in the house. These are some of my stacks under my bed.
I did the east and south walls first, and then I had to move my bed.
I couldn't sleep in my bed because it is not sturdy enough when it is not anchored in the wall, so I slept on the floor for about a week.
Priming and painting my bed was the most time consuming because of all the angles and having to paint above my head for a lot of it, but I had some help from my wonderful friend Elena. Thanks! And the finished product:
And there you have it. I actually had everything in the room done about a week ago, but then I had to repaint the shelves and get everything put back, which I got done last night. Just in time - tomorrow I leave for Arizona!


Anonymous said...

Look nice! By the way, is it Amy or Julie's room? (I didn't see a name.)

Guntzel Girls said...

Sorry, that would be Julie's room!