Monday, June 20, 2011

Sometimes I feel like I'm just watching my life fly by. In the summer, when routines are thrown out the window and spontaneity is the only constant, I (Amy) eventually give up on trying to control my schedule and decide to just ride it out until September. That's how I'm feeling right now. Some days I get frustrated that I haven't accomplished everything I set out to do in these first few weeks of June. (One of these days I'm going to pack all those half-read library books up in a bag and send them right back where they came from, so that someone else can experience the mini guilt trip I endure every time I glance their direction ;-). Despite the craziness, though, I really am loving life these days. I love that there's always something to do, and someone to do it with. And I love being reminded that my life is way out of control, I mean. The peace I find amidst this busy-ness lets me know that my God is still in control. And that's exactly how it should be.

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