Simon, a friend of ours, found an adorable little puppy at his job site a few days ago and since it didn't have a home, he took it with him to find it one. We asked if we could babysit today so the twins could play with it.

They weren't really sure what to do at first. The puppy is probably about 5 to 10 weeks old, and so it is not overly affectionate yet. It likes to look around and sleep.

The puppy's temporary name (until Simon finds a permanent owner) is Smoke. Kyle hasn't quite mastered the "sm" sound, so he called the puppy "Moke" all day.
Can't help to be amazed that your mother let a cute, adorable little puppy in! Maybe you should keep him?!
cute pictures. i like the one of kyle lying beside him.
soooooooooo cuuteee!!!!!!!
~~~~~~ Taylor Gooch ~~~~~~
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