Thursday, January 13, 2011


Ever had a hangnail? Yeah, me too. It amazes me how such a tiny piece of skin can cause so much pain and discomfort. The other day, I (Amy) overheard a radio ad about some little device used to remove hangnails. The announcer was saying something like, "No one likes getting hangnails. They catch on everything, causing you pain and distracting you from the important things in your life." I got to wondering whether my attitude might sometimes be like a hangnail to other people. When I'm angry or hurt, do I react by carrying out my daily tasks with a bitter pout on my face and resentment in my heart? When I'm tired or bored, do I shuffle along sluggishly with a "poor me!" expression? When I'm not getting the attention or credit I foolishly think I deserve, do I make others suffer by speaking cutting words? Sadly, I have to answer yes to those questions all too often. I regret the times that my attitude has hurt my testimony to others or dragged down those who were ministering alongside me. By God's grace, I'm determined to glorify Him more with my attitude this year. I want to reflect the joy and grace He has poured into my life to those around me. I want my family and friends to be able to count on me to respond with a willing heart and a cheerful countenance. I want my attitude to radiate the love of Christ more and more every day. I challenge you, dear friends, to ask yourself how your attitude is affecting your ministry and the ministries of those around you. Ask the Lord to help you as you strive to please Him more.

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