On Friday, instead of having game time, we had a "banquet"/award ceremony to end the workshop.

The banquet consisted of pretzels, peanuts, candy, cookies, M & M's, and pop. :-)

Veronika and I

Steve and I having a camera war.

Every student received a certificate saying that they had completed the English workshop. This is Gary and Sue's class.

Dave and Kurt's class

As part of the entertainment at the awards ceremony, the Americans read the certificates, complete with first and last names of the students. After a week of constantly having to speak and write in English, they love hearing us butcher their names.

Our class

Bob, Vera, and Jo's class. They did have one more student who wasn't there on Friday.

Andrew and Laura's class

Tim and Kim's class

Sophia and I

On Friday night at the church, we watched a Czech film called 'Most,' which means 'bridge.' It is a powerful story that parallels God's sacrifice of His Son. Afterward, Marek gave his testimony.

I was playing UNO at a table, and some of the students asked Kim to come play. She was holding Aly, who was sleeping, so she was going to go find someone to hold her. I wasted no time volunteering!

On Saturday, we had our team debriefing, then went to Smok for supper.

Aly waiting for the food to come.

This was by far the best nalesniki I've ever had. It had apples and peaches inside, and strawberry sauce on top.

Sara was trying to teach Andrew how to use his silverware the European way.

Andrew and Daniel shared a pizza. Andrew finished his half, but Daniel couldn't quite make it.

After the church service on Sunday, we had a potluck with lots of yummy food.

Paulina, Sara, Sophia, Iza, and I at the potluck. After the potluck, we went to our respective homes and finished packing. That afternoon, we took a bus to Warsaw and spent the night in a Courtyard by Marriott hotel across the road from the airport. We stayed there because none of the missionaries or translators came with us, and our flights left early on Monday. We didn't want to try to take public transportation at 5:00 in the morning with all our luggage and no one fluent in Polish. The hotel was absolutely gorgeous. Laura and I decided it was slightly above our social status.

Jo and Aly about 5:30 Monday morning. Everyone except Sue, Dave, and I had to be at the airport at 6:00, so the three of us saw them off then went back to the hotel for a delicious continental breakfast. I had to be at the airport at 7:30, so Sue and Dave brought me over, then they left a couple hours later. It was so hard to say goodbye to everyone! I flew from Warsaw to Brussels for one night to see Marie.

When I got to Brussels, Marie and I took the bus into the city. We went to the same restaurant we went to last year for waffles. Yes, there is a waffle under all those strawberries and whipped cream.

We walked around Brussels for more than two hours catching up with each other. We went back to her apartment, had supper with her parents, then talked for hours more. The time went so fast, but it was so good to see her. I had to be at the airport by 8:30 Tuesday morning, and flew out at 10:30. I flew to New York, then to Minneapolis, where my dad picked me up. Then we met Andrew, who had stayed with his uncle and aunt the night before, and we drove back to Bemidji. So there you have it. I am so thankful that God gave me this opportunity. I learned a lot, loved a lot, and I hope someday I can go back. Thanks again to all of you who were praying for us. If you think of it, please continue to pray for the students and missionaries there. God is doing wonderful things in Radom!