The month of March has flown by at our house. I (Amy) can't believe it's almost April! And that means that in just a few days our lil' sis will be celebrating her birthday. That's right! Katie will be 17 in less than a week! Makes me want to break into a bittersweet rendition of "Sunrise, Sunset," but I'll spare you the agony and just take this opportunity to wish her a happy early birthday ;-). Here are a few pics of things we did in the month of March.

I had the opportunity to paint a couple of desktops for two sweet young ladies we know. I hadn't painted in a loooong time, so it was fun to try my hand at it again. Above is the first of the desktops. I'll see if I can upload a picture of the other one later. (Anyone know how to get a picture from a cell phone onto the computer?)

Over Spring Break, we got to spend three days with the twins while their daycare provider was on vacation. It was so fun to see how much they have grown and learned. We spent lots of time singing with my guitar (mostly Christmas songs, as those are their favorites).

Much to my delight, Kyle still likes to cuddle and rock every now and then (when he's not driving tractors through obstacle courses in the living room or climbing snow hills with Charlie :-). When he was a baby, he loved to be held and rocked and cuddled. We called him our "Snuggle Buddy." I'm
so glad he hasn't totally grown out of that, yet.

Both Kyle and Ella
love to bake with Julie. They make all sorts of yummy goodies for us to enjoy. They feel very grown-up helping Julie pour in the ingredients and stir them up in the mixer.

Julie got some cuddle time with both kids, too! Gotta love Kyle's cheesy grin in this pic.

Katie's gym class participated in the Special Olympics Swim Meet this month. In the above picture, she's waiting at the wall to start her first event. She took first place in this one!

Here's Katie with her blue ribbon!
All in all, it's been a great month. Life is good right now. It is busy. It is full of challenges. Sometimes utter chaos. Lots of confusion. But also blessings beyond compare. In the midst of our trials, we are driven to our knees at the feet of our Savior, pleading for His will to be done through us. And there is no place I'd rather be.
Oh I loved this post! Thanks for sharing! Good job Katie, getting first place! And have a Happy Birthday!
The painted desktop turned out darling, Amy! Good work! :)
Congratulations to Katie on the swim meet!
I love all the pics miss the twins
hope i can see them sometime soon!!!
congrats to Katie on getting 1ST PLACE!!!! GREAT JOB!!!!!!
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