On Wednesday, we did bag skits for our large group time. Now, for those of you who are not familiar with the bag skit, here's how it goes: each group is given a paper bag with random objects inside and a Bible passage. They then have to come up with a way to use everything in the bag, and the bag itself, to act out the Bible passage. Oh, yes, these are good.

This is the passage where Jesus sends the demons out of the man into the pigs feeding on the hillside. Those two on all fours in the corner are the pigs, couldn't you tell?

Our group had the story of Jesus giving the blind man his sight. It's hard to tell, but the balloon has a face drawn on it and is attached to the paper bag, and pipe cleaner arms complete our blind man.

The wise and foolish builders. They used the items in their bag to make a flimsy "house" and a sturdy "house", and then Bob blew up the balloon and let the air out at the houses to blow the flimsy one over.

Jesus feeds the 5,000.

Jesus calms the storm.

Jesus walks on water. Kim is calling for help on her pipe cleaner phone.

At the church in the evenings, we played a lot of UNO. Only we didn't just play UNO. We played Speed UNO, or as some call it, Polish UNO. I don't know where the game came from, but it's fun. You play it just like UNO, except there's all these extra things added in. Like, you can't touch your cards until the dealer has turned over the beginning card in the middle, or you get extra cards. If someone plays a 9, everyone has to slap the pile and the last person to get their hand on it gets extra cards. If you have a card in your hand that is an exact match to the one just played (like someone just played a red 2 and you have a red 2), you can play it, even if it's not your turn, you just have to get it on the pile before the person whose turn it should be puts their card down. And if someone else also has that exact same card, they can put it down at the same time. This can get interesting when 4 or 5 people have draw four wilds. If you put a card down in that scenario, play then continues from you, skipping anyone between you and the person whose turn it should have been. If you play a 0, you can swap hands with any player. There are probably some other rules I'm forgetting right now, but as you can probably figure out, it gets crazy!

We also played a game called Wink 'Em one night.

When Sara found out how much I love potato pancakes, she asked her mom to make some for me. So when we got home from the church one night, I had the best potato pancakes for a bedtime snack. Then I had them again for breakfast the next morning!

Ryan and I in class one day.

Our English class. L-R: Karolina, Jola, Kasia, Paulina, Kasia, and Sara.

Our Bible Study and conversation group. L-R: Kasia, Karolina, Monika, Marta, Magda, Kasia, Karolina, Agnieszka, Paulina (Sara's sister), Sara, and me. Kurt was taking the picture.
1 comment:
Looks like you had fun, Julie!
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