Jules, you've only been gone for three days now, but it feels like three years. Last year when you were in Poland, I wrote a post called "Top Ten Reasons I Miss My Big Sister," but this year I'm gonna go with the "Top Ten Times I've Wished (or Am Going to Wish) You Were Here." That's not a very good title for a post, so I went with something a bit more poetic in the title box, just 'cause I knew you'd appreciate it. After all, you're such a poetry fanatic. Haha! Anyway, here goes!

Oh, and I thought I should include a picture of us, but this was the most recent (good) picture I could find on my laptop. Kind of illustrates my point in number 10, though, so I stuck it on anyway :-).
10. I wished you were here on Mom's birthday, because you just have a way of making special days "specialer."
9. I wished you were here when I got lost on the way to our friend's house, because I knew it never would have happened if you were driving.
8. I wished you were here when I backed into the snowbank, because if you were driving, I wouldn't have had anything to be embarrased about ;-).
7. I wished you were here when I got lost again on the way back from the friend's house, because it's just way more fun to be lost together than it is to be lost alone.
6. I wished you were here when I had to decide what I'm going to do this summer, because I know you would have listened and understood.
5. I wished you were here to play Nerts with Katie and I last night. Okay, that might be stretching it a bit, because it was really fun to actually win for a change. But I'd rather lose to you than win without you any day.
4. I'm going to wish you were here on my birthday, but we can celebrate again when you get back :-).
3. I'm going to wish you were here to help decorate this Friday at church, because I just like working with you.
2. I'm going to wish you were here every night to compare daily happenings and laugh about stuff.
1. I wish you were here every day just to share life, and I can't wait to have you back!
That said, I'm thrilled that you got the opportunity to be back in Poland, and I am praying that God will use you to bless the people around you while you're there just like you bless our family when you're here! I love you!