Wednesday, February 16, 2011

My, What Big Teeth You Have!

I (Amy) am blessed to have the opportunity to work with girls in kindergarten through second grade at our church's Wednesday night program. It has been so fun to watch them over the past few months as their reading skills have improved, their care for one another has increased, and their mouths have developed several new holes due to an abundance of lost teeth ;-).
Tonight one of my students came up to me with a huge smile on her face and said. "Look! That new girl and I are like twins!"
Struggling to see the resemblance between the two, I asked, "How are you like twins?" to which she promptly replied, "We both have really BIG, loooong teeth!" They both grinned, obviously quite proud of the size of their pearly whites.
Not one to be outdone, a friend of theirs chimed in and said, "Oh yeah? You should see my brother! His teeth are as long as a beaver's and his feet are HUGE!"
Nice mental picture, huh?
They keep me laughing.

1 comment:

The Sisters said...

That's too funny! :)