Monday, October 19, 2009

Julie's Song List

I don't know about you, but I go through phases of just LOVING certain songs and being able to listen to them over and over. Some songs are always in this list, such as the majority of Christmas songs, which I play constantly at work starting about July. I could listen to twenty versions of "O Holy Night" in a row and still want more. But some are ones that are playing on the radio all the time, and these ones I just can't get enough of. Here are my latest favorites: "More Beautiful You" by Jonny Diaz, "By Your Side" by Tenth Avenue North, and "The Days of Elijah" by Twila Paris. The first two are on our Christian radio all the time, and I think God like to make me happy because one of them always seems to be on the radio whenever I get in the car, which isn't that often, so I know it couldn't just be the dj randomly deciding to play them. The music video for "More Beautiful You" on YouTube is very good, but a little weird. It shows two girls having a photo shoot, and all the things that the make-up artists and computer editors do to them. It's incredible to see the transformation and realize that is what we are looking at in all the magazines and movies, and this is what we are supposed to aim for?! Count me out! It is such a dear truth to hold on to, that our beauty comes from inside, not from all the stuff we put on to cover it up. Beth Moore often talks about our faces being radiant when we are in God's Word, as His radiance is reflected on to us. Now that's beauty! The third song is an old one. I recently found it on YouTube again, one of the few times I ever go on there. The best part is the line they repeat over and over again, "There is no God like Jehovah." They say it like 30 times, but the more they say it, the more I want to shout it with them! If you've never heard it, it is one worth listening to.

1 comment:

The Sisters said...

I love those songs too! See you tonight!