Saturday, January 30, 2010
Keeping the Faith in Secular Classes
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Thrifty Tips, Tricks, and Treasures
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Dealing with Disappointments and Fears
Friday, January 22, 2010
Living Like a Hollyhock

Thursday, January 21, 2010
A Day in the Life of Me, Myself, and I
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
See You In 3 Weeks
Friday, January 15, 2010
I Need Your Help!
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
- January 21: 11:07 am - depart from Minneapolis
12:24 pm - arrive in Chicago
2:43 pm - depart from Chicago
11:45 pm - arrive in Frankfurt
- January 22: 12:50 am - depart from Frankfurt
2:30 am - arrive in Warsaw
- January 24: Worship service in Radom (pronounced ROD-um), camp/ministry planning, orientation, rest
- January 25-29: Visiting English classes in local high schools, giving presentations on American life, and inviting students to come to the English camp. Students will also be invited to an evening program at the church.
- January 30: Debriefing, rest, and possibly an little excursion to Krakow.
- January 31: Worship service in Radom
- February 1-5: Evangelistic English Language Day camp for high school students
- February 6: Debriefing, sightseeing and shopping
- February 7: Worship service in Radom
- February 8: 1:35 am - depart from Warsaw
3: 10 am - arrive in Munich
(From here, the rest of the team will come back to America, but here's my schedule: )
3:45 am - depart from Munich (yes, I have only 35 minutes to catch my flight!)
5:10 am - arrive in Brussels
- February 8-14: fun with Marie in Belgium!
- February 14: 5:10 am - depart from Brussels
6:57 pm - arrive in Chicago (I think I have to stop in D.C. in there too)
8:00 pm - depart from Chicago
9:24 pm - arrive in Minneapolis
I would greatly appreciate any and all prayers for this trip. If you would like to pray for us, here are some specific things we would feel blessed if you would take before the throne of God:
- Open and hungry hearts in the Polish students.
- Hearts that shine the love of Christ and complete selflessness for the American team.
- That the American team would trust God to meet all our needs and we would not become frustrated or discouraged.
- That God would open many doors for us to share the Gospel with our students, and that He would give us the courage to walk through those doors.
- A true passion in the hearts of the American team to reach the lost.
I can't wait to see what God is going to do on this trip! Glorify your name, Lord, glorify your name!
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Big Smile

Amy did Ella's hair one day in two pig tails - it was so cute, but Ella wasn't cooperating to get a good picture of it. Amy told her she just had to give her a big smile for one picture, then she would be done. Well, she got what she asked for!
I (Julie) apologize for the lack of posting this past week. Last weekend was the training for my trip to Poland, and I have been busy with getting ready. Amy keeps reminding me that I'm not leaving for another week. It's so hard to wait!
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Collection Addition

Tuesday, January 5, 2010
But now, this is what the Lord says- he who created you, O Jacob; he who formed you, O Israel: "Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name; you are mine. When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze."Isaiah 43:1-2
Monday, January 4, 2010
Starting Early

Gift Certificate + Sale = Fun!

Christmas #4

Saturday, January 2, 2010
Life Lessons from 2009

my wonderful family
4.) That it is an honor, a joy, and a privilege to serve alongside my parents and sisters as we seek to please our Heavenly Father, and that treating it as such helps to make the work more enjoyable for each of us, and more honoring to the Lord. 5.) That my time is a precious gift and tool from God, and that I can either throw it away or use it productively. 6.) That friends are placed in my life not only so that they might encourage me, but so that I might encourage them. Many of my friends are enduring difficult trials at present, such as prolonged illnesses, financial hardships, broken and unhealthy relationships, loneliness, and self-destructive behaviors. Many have been in need lots of hugs, prayers, kind words, and sound counsel. All too often, I look only at what I can gain from a friendship, forgetting to consider what I might give. 7.) That God's love transcends divisions between races, genders, social classes, and denominations. This year I had the privilege of worshipping with believers of several cultures, and saw the Lord at work everywhere I went! 8.) That so much of life is about priorities, and that when my priorities are ordered incorrectly, my life becomes much more confusing.
a hug from my dad before leaving for Mexico
9.) That the more I share with my parents and seek to follow their advice, the more the Lord blesses and grows our relationships. 10.) And finally, that I am blessed far beyond what I deserve. It never ceases to amaze me that the Lord delights in redeeming the lives of those who surrender their souls to Him, and in giving them peace, love, and joy beyond their wildest dreams.There were many more lessons to be learned in 2009, but these were just a few that I am particularly thankful for. If you get the chance, leave a comment and let us know something the Lord has taught you in the past year. We would love to rejoice with you!