I am so excited to finally share these pictures with you! I should have labeled this post "Pre-Poland" because these are mostly traveling to Poland. Here we go...

On January 20th, Hannah and Andrew and their parents picked me up and we drove down to the cities.

We stopped by Kal's so I could say goodbye to Dad.

Then we stopped by the job site where Hannah and Andrew's brothers were working so we could say goodbye to them.

We spent the night at a hotel in Minneapolis because we had to be at the airport around 9:00. Here's Hannah and I in the lobby.

We took the hotel shuttle to the airport. L-R: Andrew and Hannah's dad, Kevin, me, Hannah, Andrew.

The sky walk at the Minneapolis airport.

Andrew and Hannah's mom is a great photographer. Here we are getting in line to check in.

Waiting in line.

Check in.

The Kangas family right before goodbyes.

Andrew entering security.

Waiting in the security line.

Thankfully, none of us had any problems - even the two screws in my arm got through without starting a national security alert.

Andrew and Hannah in Chicago. I love O'Hare airport. We had flown from Minneapolis to Chicago alone, and we were to meet up with the three guys from Nebraska, Lee, Tim, and Greg there. They ended up being the last people on the plane, and they had to almost run to get on, so we didn't get to talk to them much until we got to Frankfurt.

Andrew and I in Chicago.

Our plane from Chicago to Frankfurt. Notice the TV screens for each seat - very nice. I just love flying.

Andrew and Hannah on the plane. I didn't get seats by them on any flights, but they always sat together, so that was good.

When we got to Frankfurt, we had to take a bus into the terminal. Standing up in the back is Tim, and the guy in the red hat behind Andrew is Lee.

Andrew and I in Frankfurt.

I thought the chandeliers in the Frankfurt airport were so pretty.

We had about an hour after we went through security to wait. It was a good time to get to know each other better.

I don't know how many of you remember my musings I wrote before I left about "watching the Son rise," but this is what we watched out of the window on the plane from Frankfurt to Warsaw. It was almost like God was saying, "yeah, you're not going to believe this!" This was about the last thing I saw before my eyelids surrendered to gravity for about 45 minutes, which was great, because I hadn't slept at all since waking up in the hotel that morning.

Hannah took this picture from the other side of the plane.

Not quite sure where on the flight this was, because, like I said, my eyes were doing the 'international traveler's involuntary closure' move.

When we got to Warsaw, we met Bob and Vera, one of the missionary couples we worked with. They had rented a van, and we drove about 2 hours from Warsaw to Radom. Bob is standing up on the left. We got to Radom, and dropped Tim, Greg, and Andrew off at Steve and Bernatka Snyder's apartment in the middle of town. The Snyders and their kids, Veronika and Daniel (ages 13 and 10 I think) were the other missionary family we worked with. Then we drove another 20 minutes or so to Bob and Vera's apartment, where Lee, Hannah, and I stayed, and Linda, another lady on our team. After getting settled, we took the bus back into town to meet everyone for supper at a restaurant called Smok.

The big thing at Smok is their nalesnikis, which is basically a crepe, but a really good one. They put two of these together and put all kinds of filling in between, like pizza ingredients (some of which are not what we would call pizza ingredients) or fruit. Hannah and I shared one with a sweet cheese and raspberry filling with strawberry sauce on top.

Tim, Bernatka, Lee, and Andrew at Smok. Oh, and Greg is behind Andrew there.

Hannah and I.

Andrew and his nalesniki. I think it had apples inside with chocolate sauce. After supper, we headed back home for bed, which was a very good thing, because when we finally were ready to turn out the light, I calculated I had been up for 29 hours with just that 45 minutes of sleep. That's my record, and I'm not planning on breaking it any time soon.
What a great time you must have had! Thanks for all of the fun pictures. And I just have to say that you look absolutely amazing for having been awake for 29 hours! Wow!
Great pictures, it is so much fun to see them!
Wow! I am so glad Becky got all those great pictures of you guys! You are doing such a great job of putting pictures up so soon! I love reading about all of your adventures and the ways God was at work in Poland!
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